jeudi 19 mars 2009

rules at school

1-They aren't allowed to have piercing at school but they are allowed to have piercing outside of school

2-They aren't allowed to bring MP3 at school but they are allowed to use MP3 outside of school

3-They aren't allowed to bring sharp object at school but they are allowed to bring sharp object to them

4-They aren't allowed to run on the playground but they are allowed to run on the street


2 commentaires:

Jenna Clarke a dit…

Bonjour! :)
Je m'appelle Jenna, j'ai treize ans. J'habite a Heysham/Lancaster/UK. J'aime 'Sims 2'.



Miss STAS a dit…

Il manque une phrase, il en fallait 5!
De plus tu dis avoir le droit de faire certaines choses interdites, par exemple avoir de objets tranchants est interdit dedans ET dehors!!!